
TOP 10 Most Common Long Range Shooting MISCONCEPTIONS ~ Rex Reviews

TOP 10 Most Common Long Range Shooting MISCONCEPTIONS ~ Rex Reviews Trigger warning: This video may be difficult for some viewers to absorb who may be heavily vested in their current dogmas and enjoy suffering from the listed Top 10 misconceptions. If you find yourself angry at anytime, please leave an incoherent and emotionally charged comment below for us to enjoy.

Properly integrating and expeditiously executing all of the complex concepts involved in long range precision rifle shooting can be a difficult task without some helpful pointers and instruction. Managing your long range rifle system effectively takes decades of hands-on field experience to learn and lots of mentorship to help identify and correct all of the common misconceptions out there concerning this craft. In this video Rex Tibor (of Rex Defense LLC) breaks down the Top 10 most common misconceptions he has observed over his years on the range. Gaining knowledge from accomplished shooters of all disciplines is a great way to rapidly accelerate your journey down the path of long range excellence. Enjoy!

TOP 10 Long Range Precision Rifle Misconceptions:

10. Assuming that Muzzle Velocity Is Constant (it is NOT)
9. Thinking a Rifle is Zeroed Properly (they rarely are)
8. Enforcing Marksmanship Dogmas for the Wrong Applications
7. Thinking one needs to "true" MV before every match
6. Assuming Meteorological Equipment is Impervious to Misuse
5. Believing that Ballistic Models Are Reality
4. Thinking DOPE for a certain load is transferable to other rifles
3. Trusting Your LASER without secondary range confirmations
2. Pretending that 'Magical Equipment' will Make One Shoot Better
1. Thinking that 'Walking Fire' Onto a Target is Precision Shooting

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All the music in this video was created by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist.

Song Title: She's a Minefield, Under the Ice, Particle Jam, Take Me Home
Music and Lyrics by: TiborasaurusRex
Instrumentation and Vocals by: TiborasaurusRex
Recorded by: TiborasaurusRex

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