
SERPENT & EVE: The Knowledge-Deprived Mother of Adam | Part 3

SERPENT & EVE: The Knowledge-Deprived Mother of Adam | Part 3 This is part 3 of 4, from 2 remain teachings, as The Akkhan bring to a halt the mission to reveal the hidden truth of Man to Man of Earth.


If you seek a thorough understanding on matters dealing with the inception of mankind, religion, race, the cosmos, who were who in ancient time, who is who today, why things are the way they are, etc., here, everything will finally make sense to you. There can only be ONE truth about Earth during the last era -- and we speak it. If it's not here, it's not true of who we Human are. The millions of other pages and channels and their fictitious concepts out there are born out of lack of knowledge and understanding, naivety, theories originally put in our world to promote confusion, or simply blatant falsehood. There is one truth and it is that the Human has no precedence. With that alone, you realize how much you don't know - and how much you have to re-learn!

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