
Sekiro - Special Eavesdrop

Sekiro - Special Eavesdrop **WARNING** If you eavesdrop on Kuro and trigger his "Do what must be done..." dialogue, you will be UNABLE to trigger this conversation for the rest of the game. Emma will never visit The Sculptor for this dialogue, even if you have completed all the necessary steps. Kuro's dialogue triggers the Purification Ending quest line which unfortunately stops this dialogue from occurring.

Step 1: Trigger and complete the Dragonrot quest line and the complete the first Hirata Estate visit as early as possible (if you have already picked up the Bell Chime,) it doesn't really matter when you do them as long as it is before you collect all three required items for the Fountainhead Palace aroma. Having Dragonrot trigger at an unfortunate time can break this hidden quest line, so it is best to get it out of the way as soon as possible. Similarly, The Sculptor and Emma both have dialogue about the Bell Chime for the Hirata Estate if you haven't completed it, so I would just do it as early as you can to remove the chance this ruins the special eavesdrop.

Step 2: Upon completing the Dragonrot quest line, Emma will give you an Ashina Sake, give this to The Sculptor.
(One also found on a shrine you can find by walking along the left side of Mibu Village)

Step 3: Find an Unrefined Sake and give it to The Sculptor.
(Obtained from Isshin Ashina after defeating Genichiro Ashina)
(Obtained from killing Juzou the Drunkard in Hirata Estate's first visit)
(Obtained from killing Tokujiro the Glutton in the Hidden Village)

Step 4: Find a Monkey Booze and give it to The Sculptor.
(Obtained by defeating the large group of monkeys near the Bodhisattva Valley idol)
(Can be found in the building near the Bell Demon idol)
(One can be obtained from the giant monkey skeleton in the Ashina Depths by grappling up right after fighting Snake Eyes Shirahagi)

Final Step: Collect all three items required for the Fountainhead Aroma (The Shelter Stone, Lotus of the Palace, and the Mortal Blade.) Once the last of the three is obtained go directly to the Dilapidated Shrine and you should find Emma with The Sculptor.


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