
ROAD TRIP TO The OREGON COAST WITH MOM :) Also Last Minute New Parts For The Van

ROAD TRIP TO The OREGON COAST WITH MOM :) Also Last Minute New Parts For The Van I headed out with mom and a couple day road trip to Washington but not before I had some help from dad swapping out sensors in the van. Sherry is doing okay but not 100% yet. Mom and I had a blast cruising over to the Oregon coast and seeing ocean!
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(its is the picture of me hanging out of my van window)

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Thank you so much for watching my videos! I enjoy making them and hope to show my view of my life in an interesting and curious way :) Please feel free to contact me online if you have any questions or comments.

#vanlife Is new to this generation; a counter-culture whose mission is based around the idea of living more outdoors, being eco-friendly, and often times affortable. There are different off shots of this culture that are known as Escapees, Escapers, RubberTrampers, Digital Nomads, Snow birds, Rainbow kids, dirt bags, etc. People live in anything that moves, SUVs, cars, trucks, campers, trailers, bikes, tents, Class A's, school buses, step vans, Subaru's, and more. Some of us ask if others are "full-timers" or "part timers" This just means if you have a sticks and bricks(house) home base or if you have sold everything and are always on the road. I have been full time in my van for 2 1/2 years camping, boondocking, stealth camping, driveway surfing, parking lot hopping along the way. Every place is new and different and I have friends in many states now. The day to day life is interesting and filled with unknowns. I do get frustrated at it sometimes but I find that even after a few months of staying still I need to pick up and keep going. Seasonal and temporary jobs keep me going but also your support of my channel. I don't know if I would be still on the road in this capacity if it wasn't for your support and encouragement. I feel honored to have so many people rooting for me to keep at it! Through trials and tribulations, sunrises and sunsets this lifestyle change has been a growing experience.

Stay Curious!
#roadtrip #oregon #coffeemug #momsareawesome

vanlife,living in a van,curious karli,conversion van,travel,solo woman,tiny home,off grid,vanbuild,van tour,vlogging adventure,van life,travel vlog,oregon coast,road trip,driving the oregon coast,oregon coast road trip,oregon coast camping,pacific northwest,mothers day road trip,Pacific ocean,dodge van idle issues,map sensor,crankshaft position sensor,1993 dodge 250 van,1994 dodge van,replacing sensors,mothers day,

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