
Thor Might Become The All-Father In Marvel Avengers Endgame

Thor Might Become The All-Father In Marvel Avengers Endgame This Is Thor’s Fate During Marvel Avengers Endgame

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Over his time in the MCU, we’ve seen Thor come quite a long way. He started out as kind of unlikeable and, while we didn’t want to overthrow him, we could kind of see where Loki was coming from, but he’s improved a ton since then and, by the end of Thor: Ragnarok, was looking ready to lead the Asgardians and fulfill his destiny, yet, in Avengers: Infinity War, he made some serious steps backward. Could we expect to see much greater things from the God of Thunder during Avengers: Endgame? Will he not only redeem himself, but step into Odin’s place as the All-Father of Asgard like Redditor Danishroyalty predicts?

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CBR,Thor,Loki,MCU,Marvel,Avengers,Endgame,Infinity War,The Dark World,Ragnarok,theory,Valkyrie,Odin,All-Father,Valhalla,Hel,Hela,Surtur,

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