These fruits must be eaten regularly in the summer. Because ..? -
Everyone knows that water in the body will evaporate in the summer. We will sweat more. That's where the water in the body goes out. In this order we have to water a little more than usual in the summer. However, along with water, the fruits mentioned below should also be eaten during this season. This causes the water to be sufficient in the body. Dehydration will not fall apart. Sudden strain will be. And now let's know what the fruits that we have to eat in summer.
1. We get palm breeds this season. Eating these can reduce the heat in the body. The body cools. There is no constipation. Nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium and other nutrients do not reduce the percentage of the body's water. So the body is always cold.
2. In the summer we have to work a little too late .. very tired. When you eat the soda fruit, you get instant energy. Are excited. The water in the same area will not decrease.
3. The key to what we must eat in the summer is kiradosa. Eat the cucumbers and the body sprinkled. The body gets enough water. Dehydration will not fall apart.
4. One of the most important fruits we need in summer is watermelon. Watermelon is 90 percent water. Hence the body gets enough water. Body dehydration is not tolerated.
Vitamins and Minerals are high in grapes. So they eat in the summer and get nutrition for the body. The body is also cold.
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