
The Triumphant Christ For The Triumphant Church

The Triumphant Christ For The Triumphant Church Sunday Evening, April 7
Title: The Triumphant Christ for the Church Triumphant
Text: “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man” (Rev. 1:13).
Scripture Reading: Revelation 1
The book of Revelation is the revelation that God gave to Christ, who in turn sent it by his angel to John the apostle, who delivered it to the seven churches in Asia. It is a book of prophecy (v. 3), a book that declares “the time is at hand” and that there are “things which must shortly come to pass” (v. 1). It is Christ’s message to his churches concerning what to know and be and do to be prepared for the future events of prophecy, especially the next future event—the coming of Christ for his church, an event that could occur at any time. Christ will descend from heaven and call to himself both dead and living believers. Should knowing that Christ could come at any moment make any difference in our lives and in the church? This is really what the book of Revelation is all about.
Revelation describes the triumphant Christ for the church triumphant. It beautifully depicts the church triumphant in heaven but also pictures it on earth. Revelation assures us that God has a plan for his churches, and thus he sends a special message to them. He is still building the church spiritually, adding to it, beautifying it, preparing it for the marriage supper of the Lamb. If the church is to be triumphant, it must have a vision of the triumphant Christ.


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