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This video, I want to share with you the biggest block to raising your vibration instantly. And I'm going to show you how to push through that. So that you're able to be in a high vibrational state and by the end of this video you'll know exactly how to do that.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you the number one biggest block that keeps people from raising their vibration. And in order to do so, what I want to do is share with you that the key to most people manifesting what they want and creating what they want in their life is not trying to get to something specific. And understand A lot of times these specific things we think of are symbols in our mind.
So for example, if we want more money, money is a symbol that to us may represent that of a security. Freedom, love or attracting a relationship may be a symbol of love, the love we can fill within ourselves and love that we can share with other people. Most people go straight for the symbols. Well, you're going to understand in this video is that there's other ways to go about this that will allow you to raise your vibration easier than ever.
Now let's look at it like this metaphor just to explain this. Imagine that we have a Bob and there's a Bob on the ocean. This is an Abraham Hicks Metaphor that I've heard before that I really like. Imagine there's a Bob on the ocean and a Bob. It's like you're fishing for something. It's just bobbing around, bobbing around, bobbing around. Now imagine you took that Bob that has Air at the top and you pushed it down underneath the ocean.
Now that is the resistance and many times we will feel resistance. We will hold us underneath The ocean will hold it well, Bob up down and hold us down. However, the key for us getting from here back up to raise our vibration or to move the ball back up, it's not to do anything specific while you're holding it down, is to simply let it go. And when you let it go, the Bob naturally starts to raise back up.
So letting go of the resistance is the key And when we talk about raising our vibration instantly, it has to do with letting go. But I'm going to share with you that number one block, that when you change this thing, it changes your whole entire life. And I really think that if you allow this in this video, this video can be the video that changes your life the most.
And before I get into it, what I want to share with you is raising your vibrational set point is one of the most powerful things you will ever do. And coming up on May 5th here, I live in Las Vegas. So if you're anywhere close or you want to come to Las Vegas, there is an event. It's a very exciting event. It is with Leeor Alexandra, Victor Oddo and I, they're awesome. They're amazing. You probably know who they are. We're doing an event together that's going to be showing people how to raise their vibrational set point. Theres going to be three talks from all three of us. We're going to be doing a guided meditation group work as well. And then there's also going to be, food, so had three different types of Vegan d'oeuvres plus juices and a cash bar as well. And we're going to do two or three hours of the workshop and then we'll be an hour and a half to two hours of us just hanging out together.
So as for likeminded people, one of the things when it comes to raising vibrational set point is surrounding yourself with high vibe people. And the people that come to this are going to be, that are going to be people that you may be friends with your whole entire life. And there's going to be a very community aspect to it as well. So it's going to be a very transformative event. We have a lot of really cool things planned for it. So if you want to join it, you'll see the link and the top of the description box below. And what you can do is you can go there, it's on May 5th. It's cheap to come to Vegas as far as hotels go. So it's something that you can...
Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
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