
Field of view

Field of view Field of view
The field of view is the extent of the observable world that is seen at any given moment In case of optical instruments or sensors it is a solid angle through which a detector is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation
1 Humans and animals
2 Conversions
3 Machine vision
4 Remote sensing
5 Astronomy
6 Photography
7 Video games
8 See also
9 References
Humans and animals
In the context of human vision, the term "field of view" is typically used in the sense of a restriction to what is visible by external apparatus, like spectacles2 or virtual reality goggles Note that eye movements do not change the field of view
If the analogy of the eyes retina working as a sensor is drawn upon, the corresponding concept in human and much of animal vision is the visual field3 It is defined as “the number of degrees of visual angle during stable fixation of the eyes”4 Note that eye movements are excluded in the definition Different animals have different visual fields, depending, among others, on the placement of the eyes Humans have an almost 180-degree forward-facing horizontalfield of view, field of view calculator, field of view microscope, field of view binoculars, field of view winter guard, field of view camera Field of view

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