Living clean and sober doesn't promise me a good life, it promises me a chance to live a life. It doesn't guarantee a happy life- it guarantees that i can surrender and work to find a New Way to Live.
***Today, at 189 Days (6months, 7 days and counting) I want to live. Just for today. Tomorrow I will wake up and surrender all over again, and pray to make it through another day clean... while actively working on my recovery.
This letter is shorter than the first two, because i had a LOT to say to my addiction, i know my disease so well... and when it 'wrote back' it had so much to say because it knows ME. my disease knows my far better than my sobriety. Writing to sobriety was like writing to a stranger, with tears in my eyes, begging for a chance. begging myself to listen.
*NOTE* (In the fellowship i am in we use the word 'clean' rather than 'sober' to shift the focus away from one particular substance and back onto the one thing in which all addicts have in common: the disease of addiction. However in rehab, the assignment was titled "Dear Addiction Series" with letter 3 being sub titled "Dear Sobriety")